Monday, June 9, 2008

New Blog

Okay, I'm making one last attempt at this. Darci is so dilligent at writing and adding to her blog that I thought maybe I could too. I'm not very good at writing in my journal so maybe this can pass as a journal of sorts. So what do I write now?! I guess the biggest thing that's happened lately is the addition to our family. Dalin Toa Kotter was born December 10th 2007. He was 8lb. 7oz. and 21" long. He was born at 5:05p.m. He has been a joyous addition to our family. Ciara has enjoyed being a big sister even if she wanted a sister instead of a brother. Dalin has grown by leaps and bounds. He started rolling over around 4 1/2 months and started scooting in any direction he can around 5 months. It's kind of funny to watch him. He kind of just drags himself across the floor with his arms. He doesn't have any teeth yet and his toothless grin is soooo cute. He has a 6 month appointment next week so I will post his measurements then.

1 comment:

The Laidlaws said...

YES, you have converted to Blogger! =) I'm so glad you did! It's fun, especially when you discover how many of your family and friends have one too. And using it as your journal is a great excuse to write in it all the time. =) Love you guys!