Friday, October 3, 2008

The Beginning of the End

The other day I took this cute little video of Dalin. He's been quite the mover and shaker lately. He really likes to rearrange my kitchen chairs. Anything that will slide across the floor basically. I'm always having to move the chairs and his high chair back to the table when it's time to eat so I pulled out this old walker of Ciara's. He really likes it unto he runs into something, then he gets frustrated because he doesn't know how to turn it. So it's the beginning of the end as soon as this little boy starts to walk all I'm going to be doing all day is chasing after I don't already do that!!

1 comment:

Ashli said...

Oh, it'll be lots worse than just chasing after him....wait until he finds the toilet and goes fishing, or empties out your cupboards. Just you wait...if he's anything like Myles, you'll be ready for Zane to come home and your time off.