Monday, March 1, 2010

He's coming whether he wants to or not!

Well, I've done what some may say is the impossible... I've convinced my doctor to induce me a week early. If all goes as planned, and let's all pray it does, I will be induced on the 21st of this month!!! My mom says I'm spoiled becasue not only do I know when I'm having the baby but I'm also having him 8 days early. My response to that is that Ciara and Dalin were 11 days late between the two of them so in my mind it all kind of evens out... doesn't it? What do you think?

1 comment:

Kotters said...

I had the last two early too. If they have to induce anyway, why not do it early? I am excited I might be there. I might go home a day late so I can meet the little dude.