I've been wrestling back and forth trying to decide whether or not to find out if wea re having a boy or a girl. Zane said he was fine either way so it was up to me to decide. My ultrasound was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and I invited my mom to come with Zane and I. She didn't have an ultrasound with my brother and I and I thought she would enjoy seeing the little one. I can honestly say that she's been more excited about this pregnancy than anyone, including me. I think I'm still trying to get over the shock... I'm not quite there yet. Anyway we were sitting in the office waiting to be called back and I still didn't know if I was going to find out. Well, it didn't really matter whether or not I wanted to know. We walked in, the tech. put all that gross goo on my belly and instantly asked me if we wanted to know what we were having. Without thinking about it Zane and I looked up at the monitor and knew without a doubt, as my little kicker mooned the camera, that we are having another Boy. Yep, there he was for all the world to see, flashing the camera. Not one of my babies have had any decency or felt shy at all when it came to the ultra sound. Every single one has "mooned the camera" almost instantly. Well there you have it. There will be more boys than girls in my house soon. Like I've said before. I may be outnumbered but I'm never outmaned! Here are the first pictures of the little rascal.